A2A Technology

What Exactly are Alkaline Water Machines

Very simply, an alkaline water machine transforms regular tap water to the optimal Ph level for our bodies. Ph actually stands for potential of hydrogen. Higher Ph liquid has fewer free hydrogen ions. The PH values range from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything lower than 7 is acidic, anything higher is alkaline. To give you a frame of reference, milk has a Ph of 7.0 whereas most sodas or juices have Ph of about 3.

How do Alkaline Water Machines Work?

Alkaline water machines typically attach to your faucet which is very convenient. These machines will filter and alter the Ph balance of your tap water. The filter is typically an activated carbon filter which will remove impurities and pollutants from the water.

The Ph balance is changed by running the water through a process called electrolysis. This process splits the hydrogen ions and minerals in the water. The machine will produce the transformed water in 2 water streams – alkaline water for drinking and oxidized water which can be used for cleaning.

Why are There Such Big Variations in Price?

There are 3 main types of alkaline water machines which are in vastly difference price ranges. There are also important optional features which will affect the price in a big way. The first reason for the big differences in price is there are different types of alkaline water machines. We will review the cost and major features of each type.

1. Alkaline Water Ionizers or Alkaline Water Machines.

Many manufactures will use these 2 terms interchangeably or combine both in the product name. Some examples include:

  1. Aqua-Ionizer Deluxe 7 Plate Alkaline Water Ionizer and Alkaline Water Machine
  2. New Cell Ionizer and Alkaline Water Machine

These are the machines which will both filter and change the water’s PH value by running it through an electromagnetic field. This is also known as electrolysis which ionizes the water. In this category, you will find 2 big price ranges:

2. Reverse Osmosis Systems.

A reverse osmosis system is very different from the water ionizers. A reverse osmosis system runs the water through several very fine filters. Each filter has a purpose. One will remove trace minerals, contaminants and sediment. Another will add back calcium and magnesium minerals. The end result is slightly alkaline water free of impurities.

3. Alkaline Water Filter Pitchers.

An alkaline water pitcher is basic water filter that also has the ability to alkalize your drinking water. Two big differences for these types of water filters are they do not hook up to your sink or have adjustable ORP or PH levels of the water.

On the plus side, they do a good job of removing impurities from your drinking water. They are also a good portable choice. For example if you are traveling, they are easy to pack up and bring with you. The downside is you have to keep filing them up. The water holding capacity of alkaline water filter pitchers is anywhere from 10 cups to 4 gallons depending on your price point.